Sunday, September 18, 2011

First day of school...

I am a little slow with this one, but better late than never....right? September 6th was Jak and Eva's first day of preschool. This is the 2nd year for both of them, so needless to say drop off went smoothly. I asked them to pose for a 1st day of school pic...they were so cute!

Even Ela joined the picture fest!

When we arrived at school, Graham and Lilah were just getting out of their truck too. The kids were so excited to walk into the building together. Eva and Lilah held hands on the way was ADROABLE!!

We made all 4 kids pose for one last pic before they went inside. You can tell they were really excited about it :)

The 1st day went well. Both kids LOVE their teachers and have made good friends in their classes. It looks like it is going to be a busy, but fun school year.