We made gingerbread houses at church... The kids had a great time. Those happen to be some well-built gingerbread houses!! Eva..being the stubborn little girl that she is...HAD to carry it to the car all by herself. Of course, she dropped it off her plate onto the floor...and it stayed in one piece!!!! I was so impressed!!!
Holiday Baking...This year we made chocolate covered preztels, peanut butter blossoms, chocolate crinkles, peanut butter pretzels, and candy cane cookies. The kids love to help, aka eat the cookie dough.
I put the kids in charge of the sprinkles...Eva got a little "sprinkle happy".
Can you tell which one is Eva's??
Ela can't help much when we make goodies...but she loves to stand by the stove and watch the cookies bake. So cute :)
Trimming the Tree.... I let the kids decorate the tree all by themselves this year. They did a pretty good job!! Ela was more interested in taking the ornaments off the tree than putting them on.
Christmas Canon.. The kids sang in the Festival Of Choirs at Church. The last song was The Christmas Canon. MY FAV CHRISTMAS SONG!!! They did such a good job..and were also super cute!!! Here is the video of them singing. Enjoy!
Santa...Of all places to see Santa...we saw him at a Pizza restaurant!! Jak and Eva were really excited to see him. Jak asked for a Wildcat helmet and Eva asked for a Barbie.
Christmas Eve.. This year we made the trip up to Nebraska for Christmas. Here are the kids before the Christmas Eve service. They were all dressed up..and so excited for Christmas.
Next post...Christmas day!!!!
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